The Bump’s On Its Way!

What else causes cramps, bitchiness, spotting and sore boobs?


Turns out last Saturday’s belly ache wasn’t Aunt Flo at all, it was little Baby G making a home for itself in my belly.

Yep, I want to jump for joy too!

I turned up for my pregnancy test on Monday morning with a face like a bag of bashed crabs and absolutely convinced it would come back negative.

I chatted to the nurse, who told me that unless I wanted to try fertility meds, I’d have to use ovulation sticks at home until I was ready to face the drugs.

Grumpy, gloomy and wondering where the hell my period was anyway, I cracked on with Googling the price of ovulation predictors, then tortured myself with Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred.

Then I got the call – which I was too chicken to even answer and let go to voicemail.

“Good news today, the test is positive, with a good strong number of 289.” That’s as much as I heard.

The rest of the message, about blood tests, prenatal vitamins and ultrasounds, might as well have been in Japanese.

I paced around the house, shaking, crying, wondering how the f*ck I managed to get pregnant.

Then sat down and Googled what I wasn’t allowed to eat, what I needed to go out and buy, and my due date!

It’s early days. A lot could go wrong. So far, my thyroid is out of whack, so I’m taking medication and having regular blood tests , meaning I’m not totally finished with the fertility clinic yet.

But as my acupuncturist said today: If, God forbid, something goes wrong, it will hurt like hell regardless of whether we get excited or not.

That’s a good argument for giving in and enjoying the moment!

I can’t lift a glass of something strong and delicious to toast my good news, but I hope other people can do it for me, and I wish everyone going through something similar gets the BFP really soon!

March 2, 2012. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized.


  1. danielletoendure replied:

    I am SOOOOOOOO excited for you! What delightful news. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. That must have been one of the BEST phone calls you have received your whole life!!!!!!! WOW! Hugs and blessings upon this pregnancy of yours!

    • Bring on the Bump replied:

      Thank you so much! It feels amazing – but totally surreal. I hope you get similar awesome news soon : )

  2. Lauren replied:

    So excited for you! I am praying for the same news one day soon, and it is so encouraging to hear that one of our own has finally been blessed with that bump . . . and the nauseousness and cramps . . . but the goodness of it all! Blessings and RELAX (that is what they always tell me, so I thought I had to pass on the trite advice)

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